Monday, February 8, 2010

Income Reengineering -- the Counter Balance to Business Process Reengineeering

Since the introduction of Reengineering the Corporation by Michael Hammer and James Champy back in the early 90s, business process reengineering principles and processes has faced enormous challenges. The primary challenge is the willingness of managers and workers to embrace and adopt reengineering solutions for the fear of losing their jobs, positions or influence in the workplace. Michael Hammer aggressively address this issue in his follow-on books Beyond Reengineering and the Reengineering Revolution.

Now, another reengineering trend is emerging called Income Reengineering. Income Reengineering principles and processes are the counterbalance to business processes reengineering in that Income reengineering seeks to link worker prosperity to reengineering applications. For example, a signature goal of business process reengineering is to deploy information technology in ways that empower frontline workers with more information and decision making power. Well, in response, Income Reengineering principles and processes says === if you give more decision making power to frontline workers == they should be paid accordingly.

It's no secret that business process reengineering along with a multitude of other information technology trends (i.e. global outsourcing, more project centric work environments) has been detrimental to employees/workers in the last 15 years or so. The gap between rich and poor is rising and more and more individuals are thrust out of the middle class and into the class of the working poor. Income Reengineering principles and processes aggressively address this issue on a large macro-economic scale.

The Signature Income Reengineering Solution.
Part of the Income Reengineering solution has to do with teaching and encouraging employees/workers to financially empower themselves external to the mainstream place prior to engaging an Income Reengineered workplace. For example, the signature Income Reengineering solution is as follows: The Income Reengineering process is designed to put the necessary business and wealth building systems in place to the point where the average employee can comfortably forgo hourly wages and salaries in lieu of more ownership based compensation with employers based on the following premise:

  • Given the failure rate of start-up businesses, what better way to run a business and build wealth than to do it within a comfortable 8 to 5 environment using the facilities, assets and business relationships of an established company or corporation;

  • What company, corporation or employer wouldn't welcome the notion of having highly motivated and productive employees who are willing and financially able to work independent of an hourly wage or salary in lieu of a pay structure tied to real time productivity, results and a percentage of company profits? This is especially true considering that fixed payrolls often represent over 60% of operating expenses. This establishes the mutually beneficial foundation to the bridge building project and the Income Reengineering Process.

So, obviously, to accomplish this, the Income Reengineering Process must underwrites a massive wealth building environment designed to encourage and help individuals financially empower themselves prior to engaging an Income Reengineered workplace. As a consequence of Income Reengineering, you have a win-win scenario where both employees and employers can co-exist in a lean, highly productive workplace where financially empowered and information empowered frontline workers are motivated (ownership motivates) to drive innovation and productivity to astronomical levels. In other words, with Income Reengineering deployed as a counterbalance to business process reengineering, business process reengineering applications and solutions will be more readily adopted in the mainstream workplace. The end result is a new mainstream workplace compensation called the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM).

You can learn more about Income Reengineering at

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